Fantasy Cards

Combine basic cards into combo chains to perform different actions. Some actions do damage, some increase stats, and others are just emotes. Collect new cards and experiment with different combinations to unlock all the moves!

Fantasy Cards is a turn-based role playing game with a unique battle system and pacifist mechanics. Every opponent you face is looking for something, from a high five, to a snack, or maybe even your wallet. If you can figure out what they need and give it to them, then you're victorious! Or, you could just karate chop them and be done with it?

Studio: Allow Games (Solo Project)
Shipped: In Development
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity

Role: Design & Programming
Team Size: 1
Duration: ~2 months

I’ve been turning over the concept which became Fantasy Cards in my head for a few years, where players combine components of an action in order to perform moves. After working on Vitrine, I saw how I could use the mechanics of a card game to represent this concept in a turn-based battle format. I also knew I wanted to create a lot of opportunities for choices, and provide multiple avenues for progression depending on how the player approaches problems. I wanted to always give the player a non-violent option, but sometimes make it a difficult choice for them to make.

I have since been working on Fantasy Cards on and off, and in May of 2023 I made a push to release a vertical slice demo.


Squishy Gerald

